I found myself trying to think about what I could write on this here blog. To tell you the truth, I haven't really been able to think about much lately. I haven't been able to get a grasp on this new work schedule thing. It's hard because my schedule changes every other day. One day I'll go in pretty early, but also get off early. Then the next day is the opposite - go in later, leave later. It's hard to get my body into a groove that constantly changes! So I've been exhausted, and my babies are actually not to blame! But in trying to stay positive, I won't complain. For now. hee hee
We've been faced with challenges from our Lorelai lately. She has decided that she never wants to go to bed again! Every time we put her to bed and close her door, she's out of bed an opening the door before we even get down the hall. She always use to be so good at bedtime too! I always bragged to other moms about how she never fought us, never stalled, never cried at bedtime. Well, I think that the universe wanted to show me what some other moms go through. She now fights us, stalls, and not only cries but screams her head off! This has been going on the last few weeks but these last few days have gotten much worse. Having not gone through this before, we aren't really sure what to do. We've tried being really nice, we've tried being mean. We've tried having her put her stuffed animals to bed and asking her to help them go to sleep. I've even tried aromatherapy and used lavender oil on her. Nothing seems to be working. However, I think we were on to something tonight. After Scarlett went to bed we kept her up and had "Daddy-Mommy-Lorelai time". I have a feeling that having a little sister who is getting a lot of the attention that she used to get is finally starting to get to her. I asked her what she wanted to do for her special time and she said she wanted to run! We ran in place for a minute or so, which was pretty funny. Lorelai ended up spending most of the night doing Daddy's hair, which is always entertaining! She did cry/scream when we put her to bed. She did try to stall saying that it was "potty time". Geoff did end up sitting in her room with her for a few minutes. But it was nothing compared to what we have been experiencing! Hopefully it just keeps getting better as time goes on. If any of you mommy's have some suggestions, then I'm all ears!
As for my other baby, she is going to be three months old tomorrow! Really?! This can't be happening! She is grabbing her toys now and she laughed for the first time last week. She's finally starting to be OK with tummy time. She doesn't love it, but she'll tolerate it for a short while. She's been lifting her head for quite some time, but now she's doing little baby cobras! Ahh, my little yogini. Making her Momma proud! We finally have her in cloth diapers full time now too!! We are loving it!! This is seriously one of the best things we have ever done. Not only will I never have to buy another diaper again which will save me hundreds if not thousands of dollars, but I can feel good about not adding to the waste in our landfills. Did you know that a disposable diaper takes 500 years to decompose? 500 years?!?!! Just to give you an idea, Michelangelo was working on his masterpiece in the Sistine Chapel 500 years ago. Remarkable.
Well my little bloggy friends, it is time for me to start the going to bed process. Somehow that takes up to two hours on some nights! Until we meet again.......