Friday, January 15, 2010

Cranky kid and tangets

I haven't had much to write the past couple of days.  Or perhaps, I haven't wanted to write anything in a while.  That's my prerogative, right?! 

Lorelai has been experimenting with ways to test her mother's limits lately.  "No" seems to be her new favorite word.  Not is she just saying no.  Here is an example.  Me: "Lorelai, would you please pick up your cup."  LO: (while walking to her cup, she kicks it) "No"  Really?!!  You're not only going to tell me "no", but you're also going to look me in the eye and kick your cup?!  No more Nice Mom.  It's time to break out the hardcore discipline!  Wish me luck on that one folks!

Today has been a little better.  She has been picking up her toys when I ask her too.  She took a nap too, which is a huge part of the battle.  When she doesn't take a nap she gets extremely cranky and the rest of the day is shot. 

Oh, and now I'm going to go off on a tangent.  Scarlett must be going through a growth spurt because she has been nursing alllllll day!  Well, I had gotten Lorelai down for her nap, was nursing Scarlett and then guess what happened?  Some random guy rang the doorbell!  So what happens next?  The dogs start barking like crazy!  There is no way that I'm answering the door because 1) I have no clue who this guy is (I could see him when he walked by the window) and 2) I'm nursing.  So then, he decides to knock.  I'm sure he was just a solicitor or a landscaper, we always get those.  With all the barking and doorbell ringing, Lorelai starts screaming.  Great.  Thanks a lot to the dude that just had to pick my house.  It was really appreciated.

Ok, now with that tangent I went on, I kinda forgot where I was going.  Oh well I guess!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sad & Frustrated

I haven't been able to write my thoughts down in the past couple of days because frankly I haven't wanted to think about my thoughts.  If that makes any sense.  I have to go back to work in about a week and a half.  I'm dreading it more than you can imagine.  Not because I don't like to work.  I like getting dressed up and going into the office and having that routine.  I like my job as much as the next person.  I like the people I work with.  But more than anything, I love my babies.  I've spent the last ten weeks with them and I can't bear the thought of not being with them all day.  I work for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.  I have about an hour commute both ways.  That's 10 hours a day that I'm not with them.  They sleep for about 12 hours at night (crazy, I know).  That leaves 2 hours a day that I get to be with them.  Then there's making dinner, getting ready for bed, I litterally have 10 hours during the work week to try to connect with them.  So then there's the weekend.  As everyone knows, weekends are jam packed with errands, cleaning, you name it.  I feel that I should be able to spend more time with my family.  I would love to work just part time, but my job doesn't offer part time hours.  I can't not work because I'm the one with the insurance for the family.  I hope this doesn't come off as just a complaining-fest, because I don't mean for it to be.  I'm just frustrated, sad, and a bit depressed. I've become withdrawn - worrying about my soon-to-come-lack-of-time with my family has caused me to not be as present with them.  So with that acceptance, I'm going to try to make the most of the time I have with them.  Hopefully I can change the way I see this situation and be happier with it.  If anyone can offer some words of wisdom, my ears are open. 


Sunday, January 10, 2010

A girl after my own heart!

Lorelai has been working a lot on her letters lately.  Their names, their sounds, and how to draw/write them.  She is doing really well at all of it and I'm so proud of her!  She knows all of her letters, even though she gets a couple of them mixed up.  Example, she says that "U" is "Q" and "J" is "K", but she's getting better at them.  She sings her ABC's all the time, it's her favorite song. And the cutest thing ever is when she sings it to Scarlett!  Seriously, there's nothing sweeter.  Even though she is great at her letters, I was shocked to see her write some of them.  I haven't worked with her on that yet, so she's apparently been teaching herself!  Well, she wrote her first word!!!!!  Granted, she didn't know it was a word and she was just writing letters.  But I don't care, it's a word!!!  And you'll never guess what she wrote.  I'll give you a hint, she's taking after her yoga momma.  She wrote "OM"!!!!  You might not be able to see it, but if you have the eyes of a momma then it's clear! lol  I love my little darling!  Now maybe we'll work on writing "Namaste"......  lol
