Thursday, February 25, 2010

No more burritos!

So the past few nights have been a bit rough.  Scarlett has had such a hard time sleeping, thus meaning the same goes for her momma.  It started this week.  She wakes up around 1 and nurses.  Before this week she would go right back to sleep after about 15 minutes or so.  Now she's decided to stay up for about an hour.  So around 2 she finally lets me put her back down.  Around 3:30 she wakes up again.  Nurses again, but this time only for about 5 minutes, tops.  But when I try to lay her down she gets fussy and just can't settle.  It becomes obvious that she is not going to soothe herself back to sleep, so I get her back up.  She won't take her binky and only wants to nurse again.  So back to mom she goes.  But once again, she "fake nurses" for a couple of minutes and then just hangs out.  It took an hour and a half to get her to finally go back down this time!  I know she's not hungry cause she's not eating.  So to all of the people that say "Just start her on cereal", those empty calories are not what she needs or even wants.  

The only thing that I can think is that she is teething.  I know, she's a little young, but Lorelai got her first two teeth at 4 months, so it isn't far fetched.  Earlier this week she was having some difficulty nursing, just kept pulling away and fussing.  She was also quite the cranky pants!  She's also done the obvious drooling and eating her hands bit.  So maybe she's just uncomfortable?  Not sure, but I'm hoping it just a phase and passes quickly! 

Her first night home from the hospital.  My little baby burrito!!  

We're trying something new tonight though.  We've swaddled her since birth.  It was impossible to get her to sleep well without it.  She would just keep smacking herself in the face!  But in her squirming around last night, Geoff had the idea that maybe she done with the swaddle.  So we're giving it a half shot and leaving her arms out of the swaddle.  That way she's not too cold, but has a little bit of freedom.  :)  We'll see if she likes it.  So far so good.  It's been an hour and she's still asleep, so we're keeping our fingers crossed!!


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Natural beauty goodness!

The hubby is out celebrating tonight with some of our friends in honor of our dear friend Casey who is now known as Casey E., R.N.!!  Congrats, Nurse Casey!

Since he is gone and the kids are in bed  I wanted to share with you all a new blog that I have come to LOVE!  5 Seed is ran by a beautiful woman named Yancy who recently left her career to pursue her dream of owning her own homemade beauty products business.  I so admire her passion and her strength to honor her dreams.  She even featured an idea I had about beauty in her blog today!   

We often think about the things that we put in our bodies and how they effect us.  But how often do you stop and think about what you're putting on your body?  I think about it in regards to the girls a lot.  I know that mineral oil is terribly bad for them, so we don't use any lotions or soaps that contain it.  But that's about as far as I've thought about it.  Yancy has opened to my eyes to a whole new idea of great beauty products.  She makes and, lucky for us, sells her own bath and body products.  It may sound silly, but I never thought that a person could make their own beauty products!  She keeps it simple and  natural and vows to keep her packaging as eco-friendly as possible.  She recently sent me some of her Cocoa Love Lip Balm and I'm loving it!  It tastes like heavenly chocolate, it's packaged in a very "green" tin, and it's VEGAN!  She offers other lip balms, hand and body balms, a moisturizer, and even solid aromatherapy perfumes!  I'm looking forward to trying more of her products.  Keep up the good work, Yancy!

This woman knows how to make everything, including her own natural deodorant!!  Who knew that was possible?!  So go see why 5 Seed is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. 


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Singing a sweet song

Hello Bloggy world!  Long time no talk.  Since I work at a computer all day I find it hard to want to look at a computer when I get home, thus the lack of blogging!  

I thought I'd talk about what else, but my babies!  Lorelai has been cracking me up lately.  Tonight we were having "Lorelai/Mommy time" before she went to bed.  We were cuddling and talking about her day and said our prayers.  While we were cuddling she squeezed me really tight and said "best friends!"!!  It was so cute and funny!  Also, she's been singing a lot.  Geoff said he ever heard her singing the Marley tune "Three Little Birds"!  I haven't heard this yet, but I can't wait!  Today her song of choice was "The Wheels on the Bus".  Did you know they go round and round?  Just ask Lorelai, she'll tell you all about them!

Scarlett is finally laughing!!  And the girl is ticklish too.  The sound of her laugh is so sweet and peaceful.  But the poor girl hasn't been able to sleep very peacefully.  She's been waking up 3-4 times a night when she had been waking only once for weeks.  I think we might have figured it out though.  She sleeps on an incline sleeper and she's been scooting off of it until her feet and legs are pushed into the bottom of the bassinet or sometimes even on top of it.  We took the sleeper out of her bassinet last time and she didn't wake up until 4!  Granted she woke up again at 5, but oh well.  Also, I'm sure that we're waking her up by moving around.  She's such a light sleeper that any noise in the room makes her wrestle around. But I am not willing to move her to her own room yet!   She's my baby and more likely my last, so I'm holding onto her for as long as possible.  So we'll see how she does tonight.  Hopefully there is another night of sleep ahead of us!  

Speaking of sleep, I think it's time to get some!  Goodnight all!

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Stalling and Cobras

I found myself trying to think about what I could write on this here blog.  To tell you the truth, I haven't really been able to think about much lately.  I haven't been able to get a grasp on this new work schedule thing.  It's hard because my schedule changes every other day.  One day I'll go in pretty early, but also get off early.  Then the next day is the opposite - go in later, leave later.  It's hard to get my body into a groove that constantly changes!  So I've been exhausted, and my babies are actually not to blame!  But in trying to stay positive, I won't complain.  For now.  hee hee

We've been faced with challenges from our Lorelai lately.  She has decided that she never wants to go to bed again! Every time we put her to bed and close her door, she's out of bed an opening the door before we even get down the hall.  She always use to be so good at bedtime too!  I always bragged to other moms about how she never fought us, never stalled, never cried at bedtime.  Well, I think that the universe wanted to show me what some other moms go through.  She now fights us, stalls, and not only cries but screams her head off!  This has been going on the last few weeks but these last few days have gotten much worse.  Having not gone through this before, we aren't really sure what to do.  We've tried being really nice, we've tried being mean.  We've tried having her put her stuffed animals to bed and asking her to help them go to sleep.  I've even tried aromatherapy and used lavender oil on her.  Nothing seems to be working.  However, I think we were on to something tonight.  After Scarlett went to bed we kept her up and had "Daddy-Mommy-Lorelai time".  I have a feeling that having a little sister who is getting a lot of the attention that she used to get is finally starting to get to her.  I asked her what she wanted to do for her special time and she said she wanted to run!  We ran in place for a minute or so, which was pretty funny.  Lorelai ended up spending most of the night doing Daddy's hair, which is always entertaining!  She did cry/scream when we put her to bed.  She did try to stall saying that it was "potty time".  Geoff did end up sitting in her room with her for a few minutes.  But it was nothing compared to what we have been experiencing!  Hopefully it just keeps getting better as time goes on.  If any of you mommy's have some suggestions, then I'm all ears!

As for my other baby, she is going to be three months old tomorrow!  Really?!  This can't be happening!  She is grabbing her toys now and she laughed for the first time last week.  She's finally starting to be OK with tummy time.  She doesn't love it, but she'll tolerate it for a short while.  She's been lifting her head for quite some time, but now she's doing little baby cobras!  Ahh, my little yogini.  Making her Momma proud!  We finally have her in cloth diapers full time now too!!  We are loving it!!  This is seriously one of the best things we have ever done.  Not only will I never have to buy another diaper again which will save me hundreds if not thousands of dollars, but I can feel good about not adding to the waste in our landfills.  Did you know that a disposable diaper takes 500 years to decompose? 500 years?!?!!  Just to give you an idea, Michelangelo was working on his masterpiece in the Sistine Chapel 500 years ago.  Remarkable. 

Well my little bloggy friends, it is time for me to start the going to bed process.  Somehow that takes up to two hours on some nights!  Until we meet again.......


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hi Ho Hi Ho, you fill in the rest

Hello my bloggy friends.  It's been a while, I know.  It's been a little crazy around here lately and I'm not a fan!  This week has been really hard.  I went back to work on Monday after a much enjoyed 12 weeks of maternity leave.  You should have seen me on that first day away from my girls.  I cried in the morning and wouldn't put Scarlett in her car seat.  I just kept holding her and kissing her, and of course, crying my eyes out.  When I got to work, one of my co workers just gave me a hug as soon as I walked in.  I again, started crying instantly.  My desk is right by the kitchen so many people pass me all throughout the day.  Every time someone would walk by that would ask how the girls are doing.  So what did I do?  Cried.  Then sometimes I'd hear a stupid question.  "How are you holding up?"  Really?  How do you think I'm holding up?!  My face is red, mascara is under my eyes, and my eyes are swollen.  I'm doing great, thanks so much for asking.  Everyone just says that it will get better.  And I suppose in some ways it does.  I don't cry in the mornings anymore, even though I want to.  I'm able to concentrate on getting some work done.  But the desire to be with my girls does not lessen.  I want nothing more than to be with them and nurture them, play with them, feed them, and cuddle with them.  They are everything to me, and to know that someone else is doing these things with them breaks my heart.  

I do, however, feel positive about "new beginnings" for us.  This may sound crazy, but I just feel like things are going to change for our family soon.  I'm not sure what it is, but I know it's coming.  I'm praying for strength and for peace and serenity.  These are things that I have been needing more of lately.  Yeah, I know that peace and serenity are basically the same thing, but I need a double dose of that goodness!  

Well Geoff just brought home Coldstone ice cream, so I have a feeling that my mood is about to brighten.  "Peanut Butter Cup Perfection" - chocolate ice cream, peanut butter, peanut butter cups, and fudge.  I mean, come on!!  :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

My growing baby and the "V" word

Scarlett had her two month appointment yesterday and she is doing beautifully!  She weighs 12lbs, 14oz which puts her in the 90-95th percentile for her weight.  Also, she's 24 in long which puts her in the 95th for her height!  Such a big girl!  Her doctor always jokes that her momma makes some good milk - go Momma! 

She was also due for her immunizations.  I haven't fully decided where I stand on vaccines.  There's something about them that just doesn't sit right with me.  There are double the recommended vaccines now then there were when we were babies.  We all survived and none of us got a crazy disease.  I know that there are no scientific facts to say that vaccines cause disabilities, including autism.  But why is it that now 1 in every 91 kids will be diagnosed with autism?  If it isn't the vaccines, then what is causing this scary rise in numbers?  I'm open to possibilities that it could be something else, but vaccines seem to reason I keep coming back to.  How can I live with myself if I chose to give a vaccine and possibly give her autism?  But then, how can I live with myself if I chose not to have her vaccinated and she gets a life threatening disease?  These are the questions that I as a mother struggle with. 

The doctor was very understanding and said that there were some that perhaps we didn't need to give her.  Diphtheria being one of them, there hasn't been an outbreak of diphtheria since the 40's.  I believe the others that he said we could hold off on were polio and hep b.  I could be wrong on that, as I was crying my eyes out and it was hard for me to focus.  He highly suggested getting the one for pertussis (whooping cough) and the two for meningitis.  He said that we could split them up and just do one a month.  Some are saying that splitting them up to just one vaccine at a time can cut back on reactions.

I think a reason that I'm so concerned is because Lorelai had such a bad reaction to all of her vaccines.  A fever that lasted almost a week, swollen leg at the injection sight for about 2 weeks, and of course crankiness and lethargy which lasted several days.  I hated knowing that I did that to her and I don't want to put Scarlett through the same "torture".  And after her vaccines I would watch her like a hawk.  I was always afraid of SIDS and any developmental delays.  I would constantly be watching her for signs of autism.  I remember one time shortly after being vaccinated for something that I can't remember she was banging one of her toys on the ground over and over again.  I panicked that this repetitive action was a sign of looming autism.  Perhaps I'm neurotic, but that's me. 

Why must being a parent be so difficult?  I am praying for guidance and wisdom that we will do the right thing for our babies.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ok folks, listen to my sob story for the day.  This morning at breakfast, Lorelai said "Lorelai loves Daddy".  I thought, aw, that's nice.  Wonder who else she loves.  So I asked.  This was our conversation:

LO: Lorelai loves Scarlett Rose.
Me: Who else do you love?
LO: Lorelai loves Scooter, and Cooper, and Kitty.
Me: Who else do you love?
LO: Lorelai loves Ja Ja and Buscha, and Harley, and Rugby, and bubble water. (These are her grandparents, their dogs, and their spa......)
Me: Who else do you love?
LO: Lorelai loves Santa Clause.
Me: Who else do you love?
LO: Lorelai loves nice lady.  (that's the lady that cut her hair)
Me: Ok, does Lorelai love Mommy?
LO: Umm, no.

Yep, my kid hates me!  lol  How sad is this?!  It looks like I'm going to have to start bribing her to love me!  haha

Friday, January 15, 2010

Cranky kid and tangets

I haven't had much to write the past couple of days.  Or perhaps, I haven't wanted to write anything in a while.  That's my prerogative, right?! 

Lorelai has been experimenting with ways to test her mother's limits lately.  "No" seems to be her new favorite word.  Not is she just saying no.  Here is an example.  Me: "Lorelai, would you please pick up your cup."  LO: (while walking to her cup, she kicks it) "No"  Really?!!  You're not only going to tell me "no", but you're also going to look me in the eye and kick your cup?!  No more Nice Mom.  It's time to break out the hardcore discipline!  Wish me luck on that one folks!

Today has been a little better.  She has been picking up her toys when I ask her too.  She took a nap too, which is a huge part of the battle.  When she doesn't take a nap she gets extremely cranky and the rest of the day is shot. 

Oh, and now I'm going to go off on a tangent.  Scarlett must be going through a growth spurt because she has been nursing alllllll day!  Well, I had gotten Lorelai down for her nap, was nursing Scarlett and then guess what happened?  Some random guy rang the doorbell!  So what happens next?  The dogs start barking like crazy!  There is no way that I'm answering the door because 1) I have no clue who this guy is (I could see him when he walked by the window) and 2) I'm nursing.  So then, he decides to knock.  I'm sure he was just a solicitor or a landscaper, we always get those.  With all the barking and doorbell ringing, Lorelai starts screaming.  Great.  Thanks a lot to the dude that just had to pick my house.  It was really appreciated.

Ok, now with that tangent I went on, I kinda forgot where I was going.  Oh well I guess!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sad & Frustrated

I haven't been able to write my thoughts down in the past couple of days because frankly I haven't wanted to think about my thoughts.  If that makes any sense.  I have to go back to work in about a week and a half.  I'm dreading it more than you can imagine.  Not because I don't like to work.  I like getting dressed up and going into the office and having that routine.  I like my job as much as the next person.  I like the people I work with.  But more than anything, I love my babies.  I've spent the last ten weeks with them and I can't bear the thought of not being with them all day.  I work for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.  I have about an hour commute both ways.  That's 10 hours a day that I'm not with them.  They sleep for about 12 hours at night (crazy, I know).  That leaves 2 hours a day that I get to be with them.  Then there's making dinner, getting ready for bed, I litterally have 10 hours during the work week to try to connect with them.  So then there's the weekend.  As everyone knows, weekends are jam packed with errands, cleaning, you name it.  I feel that I should be able to spend more time with my family.  I would love to work just part time, but my job doesn't offer part time hours.  I can't not work because I'm the one with the insurance for the family.  I hope this doesn't come off as just a complaining-fest, because I don't mean for it to be.  I'm just frustrated, sad, and a bit depressed. I've become withdrawn - worrying about my soon-to-come-lack-of-time with my family has caused me to not be as present with them.  So with that acceptance, I'm going to try to make the most of the time I have with them.  Hopefully I can change the way I see this situation and be happier with it.  If anyone can offer some words of wisdom, my ears are open. 


Sunday, January 10, 2010

A girl after my own heart!

Lorelai has been working a lot on her letters lately.  Their names, their sounds, and how to draw/write them.  She is doing really well at all of it and I'm so proud of her!  She knows all of her letters, even though she gets a couple of them mixed up.  Example, she says that "U" is "Q" and "J" is "K", but she's getting better at them.  She sings her ABC's all the time, it's her favorite song. And the cutest thing ever is when she sings it to Scarlett!  Seriously, there's nothing sweeter.  Even though she is great at her letters, I was shocked to see her write some of them.  I haven't worked with her on that yet, so she's apparently been teaching herself!  Well, she wrote her first word!!!!!  Granted, she didn't know it was a word and she was just writing letters.  But I don't care, it's a word!!!  And you'll never guess what she wrote.  I'll give you a hint, she's taking after her yoga momma.  She wrote "OM"!!!!  You might not be able to see it, but if you have the eyes of a momma then it's clear! lol  I love my little darling!  Now maybe we'll work on writing "Namaste"......  lol


Saturday, January 09, 2010

Bad hair days, no more!

If you have met our daughter, you might notice something about her.  Her hair!  Bless her heart, she has callicks, a mullet, and she even has a chunk missing from when she tried to remedy her hair herself.  She's had hair cuts before, but just for trims and such.  Somehow the hair on the back of her head grew 10 times faster than the rest of her hair and Geoff and I didn't know how to fix it.  The only thing to do was cut it.  I mean really cut it.  I'm big on longer hair, so I really didn't want to cut all of my little girl's hair off.  But I also don't want her to come to me one day and say, "Mom, why would you let me go through my childhood years with a mullet?  How could you do that to me?".  So I finally sucked it up and said, "It's time". 

The last time we took her for a hair cut, she screamed when we put her in the chair.  She wouldn't let that poor lady near her!  We ended up leaving, dreading the day that we would have to attempt this feat again.  Well, today was that day.  I was working her up for it too.  "Lorelai, aren't you excited to sit in the big, cool chair? Don't you want the nice lady to cut your hair and make it pretty?"  "Yeah...." was her answer in this long, drawn out, almost whiny voice.  But before she went to bed last night, she wouldn't stop talking about getting her hair cut.  "Nice lady cut Lorelai's hair, make it pretty!"  She seemed genuinely excited for this event.  Geoff and I went to bed hopeful that this would work.

The same excitement followed her when she woke up, and we crossed our fingers.  When we got there, she said hi to everyone and was in a great mood.  Then her name was called.  I picked her up to carry her to that dreaded "big, cool chair" that I had tried to prep her for.  There was a quiet whiny yell, and I thought to myself, "I might as well turn around right now and take her home".  But I kept going forward.  The stylist let her sit on my lap and gave her a spray bottle of water.  That was all it took!  That stylist was in like cake at a birthday party!  I told her we needed to get rid of the mullet, so I knew what was coming.  A giant lock of hair was about to fall off of her head.  But when it came time for the cut, I held my breath and watched with utter sadness that my baby's hair was gone.  Anyone who has been in this position knows what it feels like.  I knew it was for the better though, so I held back the tears - at least until we had gotten back in the car!  In the end, she came out looking like the big kid that she is and it's beautiful!  Now I just have to figure out how to style it.  Any ideas??

Friday, January 08, 2010

Thinking, Thankful

I think this blog should start with a disclaimer.  Warning - reading this blog might make you think. 

One of my dear friends works at our hospital in the oncology unit.  Being there, you get used to seeing people battle cancer, and either with the grace of God become fully healed, or courageously move on.  Being the wife of a cancer survivor and the granddaughter of one as well, I sometimes forget that not everyone survives this hideous disease.  Today someone will lose their hard-fought battle.  Today someone will finally feel no pain and be able to rest in peace.  Today is her last day.

Let's call her "Jane".  We went to school together, but we weren't friends.  I'm not sure that we ever even said "Hi" to each other, so I'm not going to sit hear and say that I'm going to miss her.  But on her last day, without even realizing it, she has made me think.  Think about how truly blessed my life is.  

My husband survived cancer!!  And we have two beautiful girls together that we were told we would never have.  Do you know how huge that is?!  I used to.  But over the years I've forgotten.  Today, on her last day, Jane helped me remember.  And I thank her for that.  I am able to be with my family and enjoy our everyday lives.  I get to wake up in the morning to Lorelai coming in our room saying, "Momma, night night all done!".  I get to feed Scarlett and look at her looking up at me with this sense of security and comfort.  I get to kiss my husband when we meet up again after a long day.  I get to go to bed every night next to Geoff, with our two girls sound asleep and dreaming in their beds knowing that I have been blessed to have this day with my family.  Jane has helped me remember that not everyone is as lucky as I am.  I can see that better today than perhaps I ever have.

I pray for Jane and her family.  For the child, the sister, the friend that they will say goodbye to for now.  I pray that Jane passes peacefully and that her family is also able to be at peace knowing that she is no longer in pain.   I pray for the rest of us, that we will be thankful, and I mean truly thankful for the day to day blessings that we have.  And I pray that we stop and think about this more often than we do.  


Thursday, January 07, 2010

Making Changes

With each new year comes the dreaded resolution.  I actually kept mine last year for the first time - be more "green".  We started using glass containers instead of plastic, using reusable water bottles, changed all the light bulbs, and finally started recycling.  I can honestly say that throughout my day I think about if I'm making the best sustainable choice.  It feels good to know that not only am I doing something good for the planet, but I'm doing something good for me.  I'm proving to myself that I can make changes in my life and the lives of my family.  

Change feels good, no matter how small it might be.  I'm ready for more change.  This year I'm actually going to make a list of what I want to accomplish this year.  I never make lists (except for the occasional grocery list) and often times don't complete what I want to.  No one's fault but mine, I know.  But this year I'm determined to make things happen.  

With that, I'm going to take some time to make this list exactly what I want it to be.  No messing around and listing nonsense items.  They will each be meaningful to me and my family.  

Now to make that list.........

My Photographer

So I sent Lorelai on an artistic assignment this morning. I gave her the camera and told her to take pictures of anything and everything she wanted to! And boy did she have a blast! It was so much fun to watch her look at her world through a camera lens. It was pretty inspiring for me to see her capture her own little moments. Here are some of her shots!

This is our new fish tank. I love how you can see her fingers in the reflection.

One of our fish. Geoff named him White Lightening!

More of White Lightening

Our sleeping Scooter. She has a bit of an evil eye here!

And Cooper, relaxing as well.

Looking up at our ceiling and wall.

She really did have so much fun! I'm definitely going to have to do this again. I can't wait to see what other images her little eyes capture!


Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Did that just happen?!

Attention! I have some amazing news (for those of you that care, that is!). So, I said earlier that we were making pizzas tonight. Well mine was quite delicious. Spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, basil, and mozzarella all on a whole wheat flat bread. Yum. I try not to make a separate meal from Lorelai even if I'm certain she won't eat it. I at least want her to try what we're having. Well guess what, folks?! She ate it and loved it!!!! Every bit!!!! I couldn't believe it, she has never and I mean NEVER eaten and enjoyed any of the items on the pizza. Well, she likes mozzarella, but who doesn't. I couldn't have been happier and more surprised tonight! We might be having pizza more often. I'm not going to expect her to eat these things again any time soon, but what a blessing it was tonight!


Crazy, crazy day

Ahhh, a breather!! I'm not sure what happened today, but it felt like Kansas in my house! Get it, Kansas, tornado - no? Oh well. Anyway, I honestly think that someone snuck into my house and gave Lorelai an IV of sugar water! I've never seen such a little person have that much energy! So when Geoff got home (late, might I add. Thanks hun!), I sent him and Lorelai out to the market! Momma needs to catch her breath! Certainly there are some groceries that we need, right?! Well Geoff had the brilliant idea of making pizza tonight, so I'm very excited about that.

So you're all interested to know what a tornado is like? I can't even begin to describe it. There was running up and down the hall, throwing herself in the couch, squealing, singing at the top of her lungs, changing her clothes several times, and I don't even know what else. She's usually a pretty calm girl, so it really caught me off guard. But as nuts and out of control as she was, she was pretty darn adorable! At one point she wanted to do my hair, so she got her play spatula and used it as a curling iron! Well, let's see what tomorrow will bring - say a prayer for me!


So, my little Scarlett is a bit of a magician.....

Swaddle still intact, yet one leg has managed to escape! Brilliant!!

Maybe she has a future in Vegas?! Or better yet, hopefully not....


Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Sleeping baby. Eating baby.

Now that I'd finally gotten Scarlett down for her nap it was time to attempt lunch time for Lorelai. Anyone with a two year old will agree that this can be rather challenging! Now considering that Geoff and I are pretty adventurous with what we eat, I thought that our children would "automatically" be that way. Needless to say, I was wrong! Getting my darling daughter to eat something other than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch is often impossible. Now, I know that children eat what you feed them, so I suppose this is mostly my fault - right? Well, in my mind, I say that I'd rather her eat something than nothing at all. If all she's going to eat is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich then it's going to be the BEST sandwich possible! Whole wheat bread, check. All natural peanut butter, check. Homemade jelly, check. Granted the jelly has what some would consider to be a heck of a lot of sugar, but at least I know what's in it! Now it may be time to make my own bread and peanut butter too! Perhaps I'll start with the bread.

Well, today I thought that I'd attempt to get more/different protein in her. First thought, chicken. What kid doesn't like chicken? Mine. But hey, most kids want ketchup with their chicken, right? Well, since I'm trying to make this a healthier lunch, I decided to make a honey mustard dipping sauce. Not the best, but at least the honey is a natural sweetener! I got Lorelai in the kitchen with me to help make it and she did great and had fun doing it. But I bet you can figure out what happened next.....she only wanted to eat the sauce, no chicken. Oh well, perhaps I should look at the bright side - maybe I can raise a vegetarian. I'm trying to be one myself, although I'm not perfect by any means. Now the next battle - try to get her to like vegetables!


Wow, did I really just create a blog? I'm not really sure what came over me, but nonetheless, here it is! I suppose I will use this as a means to chronicle my journey as a wife, mother, and individual. Wish me luck, and enjoy!!