Hello Bloggy world! Long time no talk. Since I work at a computer all day I find it hard to want to look at a computer when I get home, thus the lack of blogging!
I thought I'd talk about what else, but my babies! Lorelai has been cracking me up lately. Tonight we were having "Lorelai/Mommy time" before she went to bed. We were cuddling and talking about her day and said our prayers. While we were cuddling she squeezed me really tight and said "best friends!"!! It was so cute and funny! Also, she's been singing a lot. Geoff said he ever heard her singing the Marley tune "Three Little Birds"! I haven't heard this yet, but I can't wait! Today her song of choice was "The Wheels on the Bus". Did you know they go round and round? Just ask Lorelai, she'll tell you all about them!
Scarlett is finally laughing!! And the girl is ticklish too. The sound of her laugh is so sweet and peaceful. But the poor girl hasn't been able to sleep very peacefully. She's been waking up 3-4 times a night when she had been waking only once for weeks. I think we might have figured it out though. She sleeps on an incline sleeper and she's been scooting off of it until her feet and legs are pushed into the bottom of the bassinet or sometimes even on top of it. We took the sleeper out of her bassinet last time and she didn't wake up until 4! Granted she woke up again at 5, but oh well. Also, I'm sure that we're waking her up by moving around. She's such a light sleeper that any noise in the room makes her wrestle around. But I am not willing to move her to her own room yet! She's my baby and more likely my last, so I'm holding onto her for as long as possible. So we'll see how she does tonight. Hopefully there is another night of sleep ahead of us!
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