Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Sleeping baby. Eating baby.

Now that I'd finally gotten Scarlett down for her nap it was time to attempt lunch time for Lorelai. Anyone with a two year old will agree that this can be rather challenging! Now considering that Geoff and I are pretty adventurous with what we eat, I thought that our children would "automatically" be that way. Needless to say, I was wrong! Getting my darling daughter to eat something other than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch is often impossible. Now, I know that children eat what you feed them, so I suppose this is mostly my fault - right? Well, in my mind, I say that I'd rather her eat something than nothing at all. If all she's going to eat is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich then it's going to be the BEST sandwich possible! Whole wheat bread, check. All natural peanut butter, check. Homemade jelly, check. Granted the jelly has what some would consider to be a heck of a lot of sugar, but at least I know what's in it! Now it may be time to make my own bread and peanut butter too! Perhaps I'll start with the bread.

Well, today I thought that I'd attempt to get more/different protein in her. First thought, chicken. What kid doesn't like chicken? Mine. But hey, most kids want ketchup with their chicken, right? Well, since I'm trying to make this a healthier lunch, I decided to make a honey mustard dipping sauce. Not the best, but at least the honey is a natural sweetener! I got Lorelai in the kitchen with me to help make it and she did great and had fun doing it. But I bet you can figure out what happened next.....she only wanted to eat the sauce, no chicken. Oh well, perhaps I should look at the bright side - maybe I can raise a vegetarian. I'm trying to be one myself, although I'm not perfect by any means. Now the next battle - try to get her to like vegetables!


  1. You best not turn our kids into vegetarians!!!

  2. please no crazy vegetarian children! also, I can totally see Lorelai only eating the sauce, sticking her finger in it and say "yum momma" lol love it!

  3. I don't think that crazy carnivorous children would be any better! How about individual flexatarian children? And you're right Thomas, she totally just ate the sauce. :)
